The Future

We have looked at the past history of the Staten Island Ferry, and we have explored how it functions in the present day, but you may be wondering what comes next for this service, are any improvements planned, are there any changes to be made?

As a service for the cities people, the Staten Island Ferry is always hoping to make things better and keep up to date with what people need, such as the rush hour increased service times and the refreshments and WIFI on board to satisfy the needs of modern-day humans, but its important that the balance is kept, and the originality and history of the service continues to shine through. So essentially, what comes next is just more of that brilliant customer service that it has always provided. The NYC DOT is currently working on adding 3 more ferries to the fleet which would increase the capacity that could be transported by thousands and thousands. This would add to efficiency as the human population grows and as tourist numbers increase by the millions.

Furthermore, there are also talks of there being an extra drop off or pick up points. This takes away from the historical terminals and its though that many tourists will still use the original routes, but extra ports may better accommodate commuters. There is always development going on in terms of the service provided on board hence the provision of wi-fi allowing you to check the all-important emails onboard and allowing tourists to even video call family members with the breath-taking views, as well as the snacks and drinks.

The future for the Staten Island Ferry is to continue to serve the people of the city as best as possible for no cost, and nobody can expect any better than that!